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Fixed Asset Inventory Tracking | Complete Barcode Rental Kits

Barcode rental kits for fixed asset inventory tracking.

Rent asset tracking barcode scanners and asset inventory barcode tracking software in complete and easy to use barcode scanner rental kits.

Simple out of the box fixed asset audit and inventory tracking solution.

  • Track each fixed asset through its lifecycle.

  • Ownership verification for all your fixed asset.
    Track furniture, computers and equipment.

  • For M&A, audits, insurance, inspections or compliance.

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Track and Account for Your Fixed Assets

Simply tag each fixed asset with a unique asset barcode and track detail information on each fixed asset such as complete description, technical details, serial numbers, purchase date, inspections, maintenance etc. You can also assign each fixed assets to a user, company, responsible person, location, department, room and sub-location.

Rent a complete solution that comes with software pre-installed on a laptop computer and rugged wireless barcode scanners configured ready to use out of the box. Get the task done quicker with 4 or more scanners. The simplest way to save time and money!

Out the box solutions to simplify your life

>> Simply unpack, turn on and start using.

Track and account for all your assets for insurance, property management and ownership identification. Conduct annually or periodically asset audits on all your tools, equipment, computers, and office furniture.

  • Quickly and accurately take fixed asset inventories in a variety of environments.

  • Create initial inventory and verify any data on existing fixed assets.

  • Assign fixed assets to a user, custodian, department or room.

  • Manage unlimited fixed assets with technical specifications, financial and engineering fields.

  • Drop downs list for easy data selections helps maintain consistent data entry.

  • Import fixed asset data for validation and export exceptions and results.

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We Make Renting Asset Tracking Barcode Scanners As Simple As

Complete Barcode Scanning Solutions For Fixed Asset Tracking

Contact us for further information or a free quote.

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Happy customers are vital to the success of our business. We promise to go over and beyond in our commitment to customer satisfaction. We offer a money back guarantee on all our products and services.

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