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Custom QR Code Scanning Apps | Complete QR Code Rental Kits


Custom built QR code scanning apps designed to work for you.

With over 25 years of experience designing and developing QR code tracking applications, let us develop a custom made QR code scanning apps to fit your requirements perfectly.

We deliver professional service on tight deadlines.

To find out how we can help you...

Cost effective and reliable QR code solutions made to fit your needs. Project rates from $125/hour.

Custom Developed QR Code Data Collection Applications.

Over several years we have developed hundreds of different mobile data collection
applications, from calculating board foot of lumber to tracking patients receiving H1N1 flu
shots, we have seen it all. This provides our customers with a depth of technology options
and modules to choose from. Our core software and hardware modules can be adapted to
fit almost any situation simply and quickly. Here are 3 reasons to let us help you with your next QR code data capture project.

  1. Inexpensive way to prototype a mobile QR code scanning and tracking application

  2. No up-front investment in hardware and software and no long-term maintenance costs

  3. Very quick turnaround time to deploy a mobile data collection tool

Some examples of the types of solutions we have provided:

  • GMP's, HACCIP, food safety, sample tracking, lumber board foot calculator

  • Election canvassing and voter tracking, doctors' scheduling and hospital billing

  • Highly efficient and accurate tool for survey data collection

Out of the box solutions to simplify your life > Simply unpack, turn on and start using

Rent a complete solution that comes with software pre-installed on a laptop computer and rugged wireless QR code scanners configured ready to use out of the box. Get the task done quicker with 4 or more scanners. The simplest way to save time and money!

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